Form Designer and surveys | Comidor Digital Automation Platform

Form Designer and Surveys

Form Designer and Surveys 789 562 Comidor Low-code Automation Platform

Qualitative research can help businesses to understand not only what their customers think about their product/services but also the reason behind their thoughts. Comidor Forms enable you to create and conduct your own surveys quickly and cost-effectively. In this way, you can obtain vital feedback to test reactions, refine your business approach, and develop and improve new or current products/services. There are three modules allowing you to manage your surveys.

Form Designer enables you to design your questionnaire, adding pages and defining the type and the content of the questions per page. Types of questions that you can use our value list, free text, check, and group. There are two options of weighted answers or multiple answers. You can define whether the users can edit their answers or view their score. The Survey Module enables you to create and conduct your own surveys.

Form Designer

Create a Form

  1. Go to Modules Menu Icon > People Management > Surveys
  2. Click on the ‘+‘ Icon at the top left of the screen to open the “Create” form

    surveys form designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
  3. Add a title for the form and fill in the basic info
    • Category: Select a category for the form
    • Priority: Set the priority to Low, Normal, High, Top
  4. Select the owner of the form by selecting from the list of users
    • The supervisor is the Manager of the Department
    • “Administrator” and “Administrator 2” are the people responsible for the Form

    administration form designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platform

  5. Select the desired Save option (refer to Quick Reference Guide)

Edit a Form

  1. Go to Modules Menu Icon > Business Automation > Survey Form Designer
  2. Select the form you want to edit
  3. Click on the pencil icon to edit the form
  4. Edit the information you want and either click “Save” to save the changes or “Cancel” to close the formform designer form designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
  5. From the Actions Icon on top of the Form Designer Summary view, you can select:
    • “Delete”, to delete the specific Form
    • or “Print”, if you wish to print the form you are currently viewing

Design a Form

  1. Go to Modules Menu Icon > Business Automation > Survey Form Designer
  2. Click on a form to open it
  3. Then click on the Actions Icon and select “Add Page”design a form / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
  4. The New Form Page window appears, where you should add a title for the page and choose the previous or next page. Click “Save” or Cancel to close the New Form Page or close the window (X)
  5. The new page should be added – add as many pages to your form as you wish

Add Questions in a New page

  1. Since you have added the pages you want in the form, click on the page you want to add questions to
  2. A pop-up window with the title of the added page appears
  3. Click “New” (+) at the top left of the window to open the Question Form
  4. Set the question and choose the type. Click “Save” to save it or “Cancel” to close the New Question window or close the window (X)
    • If the question type is “Value List,” check the “Is multiple” box if you want the question to be multiple choice
    • Types of Questions:
      • Value List: select your answer from the predefined list
      • Free Text: input your own answer
      • Check: check the answer
      • Group: group a title for the following questions

Edit a Question

  1. Click on the page where you want to edit a question
  2. A pop-up window with the title of the page will appear. Click on the question you wish to edit
  3. Click on the Edit button to open the Edit formEdit a Question form designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
  4.  Edit the information you want and click “Update” to save the changes or “Cancel” to close the “Edit Question” window or close the window (X)
  5. You can also click on the Delete button and the question will be automatically deleted
  6. The user can easily copy question choices by clicking on the fourth button on the top left. A pop-up window will appear, click on a question and click OK to copy its choices or close the window (X)


Create a Survey

    1. Go to Modules Menu Icon > People Management > Surveys
    2. Click on the ‘+‘ Icon, at the top of the screen to open the Create Form
    3. Set a title for the Survey and choose one of the added forms
    4. Fill in the Basic Info
      • Category: Search for a process category and select it or add a new one. See how to add Categories in Data Management
      • Assigned to: Click on the “Assigned to” field to see Comidor Users and Groups. You can assign the survey to as many people or groups as you wish. This means that people you select will be responsible for the completion of the process
      • Select Priority (Low, Normal, High, Top) of the survey
      • Then, you should schedule the survey, and the execution details will be filled after the survey has been started
      • Also, you can link this survey with a related account and a workflow
    5. Add an Issue Descriptionstatus form designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platformlocation form designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
    6. The status field will be filled when the survey starts. If the survey has already started, ensure you complete those fields as well.
      • The state will be set automatically to “Created” when the user creates the survey. You may change this later to “Confirmed,” “Scheduled,” “Running,” “Completed,” Canceled,” “Paused,” or “Failed.” Survey state will be automatically changed to “Running” and “Completed” when the schedule starts and ends, respectively, provided that you had checked the “Execute automatically” field at the bottom right of your screen
      • Start and end dates & times are the actual execution start and end dates and times. Users can see them when the Survey starts and ends
      • Completed (%) is the percentage of process completion and should be added and managed manually by the Issue
    7. You may also want to add Location Details. Add Country, Address, and City informationadditional info form designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platformperformance form designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
    8. In additional info, complete the following fields:
      • Category: which is the 2nd categorization of Processes
      • Select the Importance (Normal, High, Top) of this Survey
      • When the Region code is set up in Regional Settings, suggested calculated hours give the timeframe of the working hours between scheduled start and end, excluding public holidays, etc.
      • You can link the survey with either a Parent process, a Contact, a Personnel, or a Service. Type some related letters and click on search to find an entity
      • Estimated workload is the actual Survey duration, in hoursadministration & administration 2 / Comidor Digital Automation Platformpermissions_Notifications form designer & surveys/ Comidor Digital Automation Platform
    9. Set users that will be Administrators and Survey Supervisor. Practically, this means that these users will have access to the Survey even if you did not add them in the Basic Info above
      • Send notification to: Add Comidor Users and Groups you wish to receive a notification when someone comments on the survey
      • Additional access: People or groups that should have access to the survey without necessarily having to act upon it
      • Change rights: People or groups that can edit this survey details in the future. The choice, “Everyone,” is set by default. This means that everyone with access to this Survey will have the right to modify it
    10. Select the desired Save option (refer to Quick Reference Guide)

Create from Template

  1. Alternatively, go to The Left Side Of Screen > click on Quick Add > Processquick add / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
  2. Click “New” (+) at the top of the screen to open the Create formCreate from Template form designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
  3. A new pop-up window will appear. The user should select an existing survey as a template, add the new title, and select scheduled start date and related account, add the description, upload a file, and finally click Save or Cancel

View and Manage a Survey

  1. Go to Modules Menu Icon > People Management > Surveys
  2. Click on a survey to view its details. Click on the Form ID and you will be automatically transferred to the form designer unit so that you can view and manage the specific form
  3. View the summary and the information about the survey. Click on the form and you will be automatically transferred to the Form Designer Unit, to view and manage the specific form
  4. Click on “Results” to view all the results of the answers that have been given to the specific survey
    • The results of the survey appear as a pie chart which can be printed or exported to raster or vector image
  5. Click on answers to view all the answers that have been given to the questionnaire of the specific survey
    • Click on a form and you will be automatically transferred to the Form Designer Unit so that you can view and manage the specific form
    • Click on the Title to view the answered questionnaire
  6. Get a full Process analysis in Dashboard. Information such as percentage of Survey completion, time tracking, task count tracking, and tasks workload in hours can be viewed here
  7. Click on Notifications in the side-box to see all the notifications that have been created and sent regarding the specific Survey
  8. Click on Tags and Links to tag a survey and link it with other Comidor entities such as Accounts, Contacts, Projects, Opportunities, Messages, Files, etc.
  9. Change the Survey state by clicking on the state button on top right. Then select the state of the process.
  10. Select the desired Save option (refer to Quick Reference Guide)scheduled form designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
    • Select either Confirmed or Scheduled, to verify and schedule the Survey that is about to start. A new pop-up window will appear, where you can set a different start time and date or take the suggested time and date. Click on Save
    • Select Running and a new window will appear where the user can set the execution time
    • Select Paused to pause a survey for some time. A new pop-up window will appear where the user can see the update in execution information
    • Select “Failed” on a Survey that failed to complete, update start and end dates and times, duration and quantity, and click on Save
    • Select canceled on a survey that has been canceled, update start and end dates and times, percentage of completion, duration, and quantity, then click on Save
    • Click on completed to mark a Survey as complete. Update start and end dates and times, duration (suggestion of tracked or computed duration are available), and quantity, then click on Save. See the update in Generic Survey execution information
  11. Finally, click on New answer, in order to send the form of this Survey to the Users you wish to answer answer form designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
    • A new pop-up window appears. Select the Personnel and the Editor and choose the Access rights. Click on Save.
    • The Form ID and Link with table fields will be automatically answer form / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
    • In case your Survey concerns personnel evaluation, select the personnel who is evaluated.
    • The editor is the person who answers the Form.
    • Choose private in the Access rights field so that only the creator can view the answer, internal so that everyone in your company can view it or public so that every user can view it.

Add Tasks & Files in a Survey

Tasks setting is necessary to schedule work that should be performed by multiple people and groups. Add a quick Task by clicking on the ‘+’ Icon on the bottom right of the Survey in the Summary tab.

A new form opens. You can create multiple Tasks, enter and monitor them from this point. Click on refresh to instantly see all new-added tasks in the form.

Add Tasks & Files in a Survey form designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platformattachments surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platform

You can easily upload related files straight from your desktop, attach an existing Comidor file, or a file URL by clicking on the Earth icon. Click on a previously uploaded file to open (downloading and previewing of current and previous versions are available), rename or delete it.

Discuss a Survey

Users that have the right to view a survey can also read any discussion that occurs inside that process in Notes.

comment form designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platform


HTML editor (Open editor) equips you with many formatting options and allows you to submit comments with bolds, italics, hyperlinks, tables and more other options.

  • Users can click on refresh to see new comments. Click on “Show More” or “Show Less” to view the number of comments they wish

Only people in groups you have added in the “Send Notification to” field will receive notifications in the Notifications Bar about these comments.

Edit Surveys

  1. Go to Modules Menu Icon > People Management > Surveys
  2. Click on a Survey from the list view to enter and manage it. A new Unit Action Tab appears with the name of the Survey in the Active Units Bar
  3. Click on the pencil Icon to edit the Survey details
    • Edit button only appears to people that you have added in Change Rights field of a process
    • Select the desired Save option (refer to Quick Reference Guide)
  4. Click on the Actions Icon to open a list of actionsEdit Surveys/ Comidor Digital Automation Platform
    • Select “Delete” to delete this survey. A check pop-up window will appear
    • Click on “Print” if you need to print this Survey view. A new tab will open in the web browser. Click on Ctrl+P to Print. (the print process may change in different browsers)
    • Click on “Link with” to link this Survey with any Comidor entity (other process, account, contact, project, opportunity, etc.). A pop-up window appears
    • Click on Notify to notify a person or group regarding this Survey. Ensure to Notify anyone that has access to this Survey
  5.  In the List view of Surveys, check multiple Surveys and perform actions on them
    • Select “Delete” to delete the Surveys
    • Click on “Link with” to link these Surveys with any Comidor entity (other process, account, contact, project, opportunity, etc.). Follow the “Link with” procedure
    • Click on Change State to change the state of a survey and then select the state of the Surveys
    • Or click Tag to apply multiple tags at oncemultiple tags at once form designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
  6. Click on the Actions Icon and choose:
    • “Export” to open the Survey(s) in an MS Excel file
    • “Print” to open the table of Surveys in a new tab so that you can print it. Follow your browser’s default printing procedure
    • “Statistics” to view the answers of the Surveys in column charts grouped by page and questionform statistics form Designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
      • The Unit Form Statistics will open in a new tab
      • Select the form from which you wish to view the answers in column charts. Then, press enter to proceed

Surveys Answers

  1. To access Survey answers, go to Modules Menu Icon > People Management > Surveys
  2. Choose the “Answers” tab on the top of your screen. A new tab will open where you can see the survey answers you have created or have answered

Creating a Survey Answer

  1. Click on the “+” Icon, in order to create a new Survey Answersurvey answers form designer & form / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
  2. Then, select one of the saved Surveys, choose the Editor and set the Access rights
  3. Choose between:
    • “Save and New” to save the Survey Answer and open the Create Form for a new Survey Answer
    • “Save and notify” to save but also send a Notification message to the appropriate people
    • “Cancel” to erase all the information and close the create form without saving

Answer a Survey

  1. Click on the Survey Answer you want to answer to open it
    • Click on a Survey and the Surveys Unit will open in a new tab. From this point, you can view and manage the specific SurveyAnswer a Survey form designer & form / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
  2. Then, answer the questions of the page and click to answer the questions of the next page
    • In the same way, answer all the questions of the Form
  3. Click on Finish to finish answering the Formfinish evaluation survey / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
  4. View the score
    • You can also view the score by clicking on “Score” at the left side boxscore personal score form designer & form / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
    • The editor can view the score only if the creator of the form has checked the “Allow score view:” box in the Survey
  5. There is an alternative way for users to answer a Survey that they have access to
    • Particularly, an employee can go to Modules Menu Icon > People Management > Personnel
    • Search for your name and click on it, to be transferred to your Personnel entitypersonnel form answers / Comidor Digital Automation Platform
    • Click on the “Form Answers” tab on the left side menu
    • You have to search and find that Survey entity, choose Editor from the users, and Access rights of the response
    • Then, select between “Saving,” “Saving and creation of new response,” and “Saving and Notifying”. Otherwise, click Cancel to go back to the Personnel entity

Manage Survey AnswersManage Survey Answers form designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platform

  1. To begin with, click on Tags to add a new tag to the Survey Answer to make it “private,” “group,” “internal,” or “public.” From this point, you can also manage old tags that have been added on the Survey Answer
  2. Change the view and rights in a Survey Answer by Clicking the small pencil Icon
    • When selecting the Change Rights tab, you can choose to allow change from a group that you are a member of or select multiple groups or users from the “Allow” options on the left side of the pop-up box. Also, you can Restrict specific users or groups from viewing the Survey Answer
    • When selecting the View Rights tab, you can give access to a group that you are a member of or select multiple groups or users from Allow options on the left side of the pop-up box. You can also restrict access to specific users or groups
  3. Click on the Actions Icon of a contract to perform extra actions, such as:
    • “Delete” to delete the Survey Answer. A pop-up confirmation box will appear
    • or “Notify,” to send Notes-Notifications to specific Comidor groups, Comidor users, or external recipients via email; provided that you have already connected your Email to the system
  4. You can delete multiple Survey Answers at once. In the Survey Answers view, check the unwanted Survey Answers and click “Delete”surveys answers delete form designer & surveys / Comidor Digital Automation Platform

